Please feel free to leave comments on my posts. It makes my journey of faith much more enjoyable and wonderful when I encounter others along the way. I don't particularly care who you are, what you believe in or don't believe in, it is all equally fascinating to me. Please share your thoughts and questions, but keep in mind a few things:
1. Mind your manners! If you are going to leave a comment, think carefully about what you are saying. Attacks against anyone will not be tolerated. You are entitled to your own opinion, but if you cannot express it peacefully, and in a way that doesn't hurt others, please refrain from posting.
2. Spelling. I know I can't spell for beans. I make an effort though, and make extensive use of a spell-checker most of the time. All I ask is that you avoid using "chat speak", as it is terribly difficult for me to read. Most othere spelling errurs will be forgivn.