The Search

I have spent a lot of time wrestling with my faith. It has never been an all out brawl; at worst it has resembled an intense arm-wrestling contest. And I certainly didn't allow myself to wrestle with it "out loud", if you know what I mean.

I don't talk about my faith much. Generally speaking, I keep my faith to myself. If prompted, I will sometimes oblige with an answer, however brief. There's a certain discomfort I experience when I try to talk about my faith with others. Many of my friends are non-religious. Those that are tend to be of different denominations, or another religion entirely. Having had people try to force their religious views on me, I've become very afraid of accidentally doing the same.

So I don't talk about it. Many people wouldn't know that I'm religious, save for the occasional remark I make about returning home for Easter, or giving things up for Lent. But on many occasions, I've even stopped talking to myself about my faith. I'm honestly not 100% sure what I believe anymore.

Though (at the time of writing this) New Year's Day was nearly a month ago, the year is still young, and I think it is still appropriate to make a resolution. Not just for this year, but for my entire life from this point forward. I resolve to talk to myself about my faith. I resolve to be less afraid to talk about my faith with others, and to discuss their faith or their lack thereof. I resolve to try to find my way back. For all that I say I am a Christian, I feel like I have strayed. While I'm sure the shepherd is looking for me, I must also make an effort to seek Him out as well.

I hope to chronicle this journey here. Sometimes my posts will be about something directly related to faith, be it my own or someone else's. Other times, my posts will pertain to the adventure that results from trying to find my way through everyday life, and determine which path to take.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
  -Proverbs 3:5-6